Kate Glenn
I have been part of a family of pre-war Riley owners for over 40 years and have spent many happy hours assisting my husband and son with repairs, refurbishments and rebuilds of several Rileys. Now retired, and with some spare time, I very much enjoy looking after the RRSL spares and helping members to keep these lovely cars on the road.
David Gough
Anthony Dunn
Company Secretary
David Wilson
Quality Director
Malcolm Dunn

Will Fiennes
Technical Director
My first car, in 1966, was a 1936 Merlin 9, which suffered the indignity of being rammed in the back by a Hillman Imp. This was followed by a 1934 9 fitted with an Austin Newbury body, purchased in bits for restoration but not yet completed! There is also a pair of 1933 12/6 Kestrels, both major projects; one is almost back on the road.
For most of my working life I have run a business restoring pre-war vehicles; a major part of this activity has been the remanufacture of an extensive range of parts specifically for Rolls-Royce and Bentley, plus replacement cylinder blocks for the Riley 6-cylinder engine. After a number of years in the wilderness, returned to working on my own cars in 2000 to be very impressed with the quality of the Riley engineering.
For a short period in the 1970’s I chaired what was then the Register Spares Committee and prior to that ran a ‘Directory of Services’, disseminating information to Register members about companies offering services that could be of use to them when maintaining or restoring their cars.